Dancing Stoat Enterprises
Other Suns
Made with NetObjects Fusion
Micole's Khromat Kontinuum
All About Khromatai

Khromats (the human plural) or Khromatai (their own plural) are a fascinating race more akin to Humanity in psychology than any other major race within the Hegemony. Like humans, the khromat physiology is not homogenus and they have major divisions in morphology that they call Kafarai, more diverse than humanity's ethnic differences.

Also like humanity, Khromat culture is not homogenus: geography, physiology, and philosophy create many different societies. An example of one society on a Khromat World can be seen in The Partoitan Milieu., an Other Suns campaign that I run.

Khromatai also have some rather unique physcial attributes, including the chameleon-like ability to shift their fur color to blend in with the surroundings. This camouflage ability also can express emotional states and can be consciously controlled  as a simplistic language called Khiomemaii.

Another physical trait of the Khromatai is the ability to mate with anything mammalian and have a strong chance of producing fertile offsprint -- the closer the biochemisties of the two parents, the higher the chance. Even pure-blood Khromat children can be a mixed bag considering the vast range of ethnic morphologies, as the picture below of Micole and her siblings demonstrates.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon: Biographies of the Soljharein Family!

Micole and her siblings
No, it's not Gay Pride. It's Khromat Pride!

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This website is managed by an insane ermine, so if you notice any problems send email to Khromat@InOrbit.com

Last Updated: 05/09/99