Dancing Stoat Enterprises
Other Suns
Made with NetObjects Fusion
Micole's Khromat Kontinuum
Personal Information

Caer Carnivore

Photo by S.Norman

The people of Caer Carnivore

Wolf              Me           Coug’r             Coyote

The house that is Caer Carnivore contains 4 humans, 7 computers, 10 ferrets, 8 cats, a rat and a mouse, all housed in a 110-year-old 3-story Victorian house the wilds of New Jersey.  Jeremy “Wolf” Kidd and Ken “Coug’r” Sample are fellow artists like me, Anastasia “Coyote” Kidd is a writer, Cookie Lady and Den Mom.


My Resume is current as of 10/98 and is provided as a courtesy and to keep it somewhere besides my hard drive.

Rather than the usual biography, and as a means to preserve some photos before they’re too damaged, I’ve got a “Picto-Biography” of my life.

Considering my normally busy life and how many people are asking me if I’ll be at a convention or not, I’ve decided to have my own ‘sightings’ page just to keep everyone informed....

No, it's not Gay Pride. It's Khromat Pride!

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This website is managed by an insane ermine, so if you notice any problems send email to Khromat@InOrbit.com

Last Updated: 10/7/98